How IV Sedation Can Help People Through Their Dental Anxiety | Kenilworth Dentist

A woman smiling at her reflection because she has healthy teeth, or because she is seeing the result of dental restoration surgery

If you experience a physical reaction to the idea of certain stimuli being triggered by going to the dentist, you may have dental anxiety. Dental anxiety is common among kids and adults alike. When dentists perform restorative procedures, there are typically a variety of sedation options available to the individual. The two main ones are nitrous oxide and intravenous (IV) sedation. The inhalation of nitrous allows a patient to relax, but IV sedation can guide the patient into a deeper relaxation and in some cases, lull them to sleep.

Whether someone has had a bad experience at the dentist or not, IV Sedation can help put you at ease when the need for a dental procedure arises.

The following are the benefits of utilizing IV sedation for sleep dentistry.

  • Administration of the drug is provided by a ___ and tailored to the patient’s needs
  • The results of IV sedation are reliable and the most effective means of sedation
  • If you are particularly sensitive to your gag reflex, IV sedation will relax the reaction, but your dentist may recommend nitrous oxide
  • In contrast to general anesthesia, IV sedation is safer and allows you to retain consciousness.
  • Due to the amount of control, your practitioner has with the dosage of IV administered, your recovery time is shorter than with oral sedation.

Remaining consistent with your oral health in your daily life, as well as with regular check-ups, are the best way to avoid unfavorable experiences at the dentist. If you do enter into a restorative process, discuss your concerns with your dentist to see if IV sedation may be right for you.

For more information regarding dental exams, contact Drs. Freund and Waterloo today at 847-251-8990 or visit

Drs. Chad Freund and Cathy Waterloo proudly serves Kenilworth and all surrounding areas.

Did You Know that Snoring Affects Your Smile? | Kenilworth Dentist

It’s unfortunate for any light sleeper, but snorers are some of the worst partners to sleep with. Most people just dismiss it as a normal part of sleeping because it’s just so common. But it’s far more than keeping you awake. Not only are they having issues breathing when they sleep, but they are also causing other oral health issues. But snoring is quite harmful and more importantly, affects your teeth and oral health.

While we may have snored at one point or another, the snoring can go from being a mild nuisance and disturbance to a symptom of something more serious, like sleep apnea. But what exactly is causing us to snore in the first place? Here are some common factors that can cause you to snore:

Bad habits. The use of alcohol, sedatives and even tobacco. Any one of these products can force your throat muscles to relax more than usual and promote the obstruction of the airways, which causes snoring.

Nasal problems. Those with chronic nasal congestion may interfere with their air flow every time they breathe and cause snoring.

Anatomical conditions. Some people with elongated uvulas or low, thick, soft palates, large tonsils or adenoids naturally have narrower airways, and this can cause snoring. Those who are overweight and obese do too, but this is because of the excess fat on the back of their throats.

Pregnancy. Pregnant women, those who have a long family history of snoring, those who are aged 40 and above, as well as males are more likely to develop snoring problems as well.

Dry mouth. Our teeth need saliva for protection and because snoring causes your mouth to dry out, leading to a variety of oral health problems.

For more information regarding snoring, contact Drs. Freund and Waterloo today at 847-251-8990 or visit

Drs. Chad Freund and Cathy Waterloo proudly serves Kenilworth and all surrounding areas.

When a Good Night’s Sleep Seems Impossible | Kenilworth Dentist

There is nothing better than getting a good night’s sleep. You wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. So, when you don’t get that quality sleep on a regular basis, it can begin to affect various aspects of our lives. Poor sleep can cause loss of concentration, headaches and low energy, but it can also lead to increased rates of infection, cardiovascular problems, and hypertension. This is why it is important to get a sleep study done if your daily sleep intake isn’t what it should be in order to diagnose a treatment option.

During an overnight sleep study, doctors will record your airflow, heart rate, oxygen and brain activity to determine whether breathing is impacting your sleep. If a sleeping issue is diagnosed, treatment options are available. Various techniques can help with airflow, like lifestyle changes, medical devices, or surgery.

One anti-snoring device available is the Mandibular Advancement Device, or MAD. It will move your jaw and tongue forward and away from the back of your throat in order to prevent the blockage to your airways causing you to snore. There are three types of MAD devices: boil-and-bite, semi-custom and custom. The price will vary but investing in a custom-fitted MAD device will give the best results to your sleep issue.

It will take a minute to get used to it, but it is important to continue to use it until you get used to it. Some patients will find that the moving of the jaw can cause stiffness or soreness while you get used to things, but it will go away eventually. The important thing is that soon you will be having a good night’s sleep nightly.

For more information regarding Mandibular Advancement Devices, contact Drs. Freund and Waterloo today at 847-251-8990 or

Drs. Chad Freund and Cathy Waterloo proudly serves Kenilworth and all surrounding areas.