Celebrate National Smile Day with a Bright Smile | Kenilworth Dentist

Every day you see commercials for teeth whitening products, toothpastes, kits, whitening rinses. It can be almost overwhelming, the pressure to have a bright Hollywood smile. Because we all want one, but it isn’t an easy task, especially if we have poor lifestyle habits. Smoking, too much coffee and sodas can all cause our teeth to stain over time. So, what do we do? How do We get our smile back to a brilliant white shade?

There are plenty of over-the-counter products that claim to whiten your teeth, but they will generally take time and may not turn out as bright as you’d like. For quicker results, opt for an in-office whitening procedure. These procedures are considered safe, though you can expect some sensitivity in your teeth and gums for a while afterwards. And because it is not uncommon for the tooth color to dull a bit a week or two following this type of treatment, using an at-home product may help maintain the results.

If choosing a professional whitening treatment, you have two options – in-office and take home. The take-home tray uses chemicals stronger than over-the-counter trays, but oftentimes you’re provided with custom trays, providing a smooth, comfortable fit suitable for wearing for multiple hours each day, even overnight.

When performing a whitening treatment in-office, dentists use light and heat-activated bleaching chemicals, providing a significant whitening in as little as 60 minutes. Because the procedure is supervised by a dentist, much stronger chemicals can be used, and much more dramatic results can be seen almost immediately.

Afterwards, keeping your smile bright depends on your habits and how you look after your teeth, so it is important to be diligent with your daily dental routines.

For more information regarding teeth whitening, contact Drs. Freund and Waterloo today at 847-251-8990 or visit www.villagedentalpc.com.

Drs. Chad Freund and Cathy Waterloo proudly serves Kenilworth and all surrounding areas.

Why Are My Teeth Turning Yellow? | Kenilworth Dentist

We all want a white smile, but maintaining the bright luster isn’t always easy. After time, our teeth begin to turn yellow. It could be for a variety of reasons, but eventually our teeth become tinged with a yellowish hue.

When outside sources of staining are left to sit on the teeth all day until your next brushing, the dentin on your teeth becomes yellowish or darkened. Contributing factors to yellowing, stained teeth can be, smoking, wine, soda and aging. There are a variety of over-the-counter products that can help slow the process, but a professional treatment is really the only thing that will truly rejuvenate our smile back.

Studies show we place a high value on our smiles. According to an American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry survey, here are a couple of facts:

Virtually all adults (99.7%) believe a smile is an important social asset. 96% of adults believe an attractive smile makes a person more appealing to members of the opposite sex.

Three-quarters (74%) of adults feel an unattractive smile can hurt a person’s chance for career success.

And when respondents were asked, “What would you like to improve most about your smile?” The most common response was whiter & brighter teeth.

Simple rules to live by to try and stop the yellowing process:

  • Visit your dentist regularly for teeth cleanings
  • Rinse your mouth out with water several times throughout the day
  • Use toothpaste with whitening agents

If you decide that a whitening treatment will be best for your smile’s appearance, talk to your dental professional about it next time you go in for a checkup. They will be more than happy to address any questions or concerns you may have about improving your smile.

For more information regarding discolored teeth, contact Drs. Freund and Waterloo today at 847-251-8990 or visit www.villagedentalpc.com.

Drs. Chad Freund and Cathy Waterloo proudly serves Kenilworth and all surrounding areas.